Is Your Gum Disease over If the Bleeding Stops?

Nothing can match the unsettling feeling of tasting blood in your mouth and then spitting the characteristic red liquid into a sink. There are numerous causes for blood in the mouth, such as a lost tooth, cut in the mouth, etc. One reason remains prevalent, and that is gum disease. Gum disease usually goes unnoticed by the majority of people who have it. The symptoms build up slowly over time and go ignored by many people. That is until they taste the unmistakable red, metallic liquid in their mouths. It alarms people and makes them consider their dental wellbeing. While that is a good thing, it usually subsides once the bleeding stops. However, an absence of blood does not mean that everything is great and that one can go back to their previous ways.

Understanding Gum Disease

Gum disease is a blanket term that encompasses both gingivitis and periodontitis. The only difference between the two conditions is how far along the spectrum of gum health the condition has reached. In order to understand this, it is crucial to know the stages of gum disease in the body. It can be grouped into three stages.

First stage

The first stage is what is considered to be healthy gums. These are gums that do not have any symptoms of the disease. People with proper oral hygiene and no imbalances will tend to have healthy gums.

Second Stage

The second stage of gum disease is gingivitis. It is the first symptom of gum disease and is reversible. The only thing required is better oral care and a visit to a professional. Stopping gum disease in this stage can prevent more severe cases. The symptoms of gingivitis include:

  • Swollen or inflamed gums.
  • Odors are noticeable
  • Occasional bleeding from the mouth
  • May have a feeling of itching in gums

Third Stage

The third stage of gum disease is periodontitis. Periodontitis is, unfortunately, irreversible. It can be treated and remedied, but with the aid of treatment, surgery, and professional assistance. Periodontitis has multiple stages, and they are

Early Periodontitis

These are the beginning stages of the more severe form of gum disease. It starts showing the first symptoms of periodontitis. These include:

  • Infected gums
  • Early loss of bone around teeth
  • Bad odor
  • Bad taste in mouth occasionally
  • Bleeding from gums

Moderate Periodontitis

If periodontitis is allowed to progress past the early stages, it reaches a moderate level. This stage can result in:

  • Infected gums with chronic or acute pain in the region
  • Moderate loss of bone around the teeth
  • More frequent bleeding from gums
  • Teeth start becoming loose
  • Loss of papilla

Advanced Periodontitis

If periodontitis progresses to the advanced stages, things can get quite severe. The symptoms of the advanced stage are:

  • Very noticeable odor
  • Very bad taste in the mouth
  • Advanced bone loss around teeth
  • Loss of teeth
  • Dull pain in gums

Bleeding and Gum Disease

Bleeding can occur at all stages of gum disease. However, it is important to note that the absence of bleeding does not mean the absence of gum disease. Bleeding is not the only symptom. It is important to note what stage of gum disease you may have, and see if you have any other symptoms. The best way to do this is to visit a dentist and get a check-up. They will be able to determine the extent of your gum disease.

Practicing proper oral hygiene is extremely important for a healthy life. Waiting for the presence of symptoms, such as bleeding, to occur before considering our oral health is not the way to go. It is important to brush at least twice a day and get at least two dental check-ups annually. This will allow one to keep an eye on their dental health.