What Are Some Recent Advancements in the Dental Industry?

From improved business practices to robo-dentists, the future in the dental industry looks exciting! Like other industries, the dental industry is going digital, and the trend is only going to grow in the upcoming years. Here are some recent advancements:

3D Printing

3D printing has become one of the fastest-growing developments in the industry. These devices are changing dentistry and orthodontics by reducing the time and cost needed for the creation of custom aligners, tooth replacements, crowns, and veneers. Dentists no longer need to delegate the production of oral apparatus to a third party, so they can make these devices and products readily available to patients, and at a lower cost. Dental labs are able to keep tasks in-house that would otherwise have to be outsourced.

Dentists are now able to print surgical guides and denture bases. The printing has been made possible by heightened availability of various materials like resins. 3D printing can now be done more quickly and efficiently than ever. The next big breakthrough in 3D printing is supposed to be the creation of permanent crowns.

Digitization of Procedures and Tools

In the future, dental tools and treatments will become more digitized, which will make painless, less invasive treatments possible. Laser technology is one of the most popular dental trends because it has a wide array of uses, such as:

-Teeth Whitening

-Removing decay

-Preparing the tooth for the filling

-Removing bacteria from a root canal

-Reshaping the gums


Benefits of Laser Dentistry:

-Anesthesia may not be necessary

-Infections are less likely

-Shorter healing time

-Patients lose less blood

Digital Impressions

 Dental technology has advanced so far that images that had to be taken individually before can now be captured with scanners that absorb large amounts of data within seconds. The newest software makes higher-quality renderings possible, unlike traditional means. Information can be gathered much more quickly and conveniently– both for the patient and the dentist. It is also possible to identify weaknesses in the process so that missing data can be supplied right away, which improves the accuracy of images.

Robot Dentists Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Robotics

 Artificial intelligence (AI) in dentistry will revolutionize the whole experience for dentists and patients. Robots are now capable of performing less invasive work, such as filling cavities, teeth cleaning, cap applications, and tooth extractions.


 Increasingly, dentists are using automated systems to keep patient records and share them with practitioners in different locations. This means clinicians and staff can access the data they need– administrative, clinical and financial– within the same system. Cloud-based computing has also reduced the need to rely on IT personnel since the software comes with non-stop technical support. Software used in dentistry has also become more intuitive over the years, which makes it much easier to use.

Dental technology is expected to make treatments more comfortable and affordable for everyone. Dental practitioners can increase their profit while improving service. The benefits of new technologies will also make patients likely to see the dentist more often, improving oral health among the whole population.