Employees tend to get nervous or uncomfortable upon hearing the word accountability because they think it involves providing excuses and assigning blame. The truth is that nothing would get done if no one took responsibility. But accountability means giving employees the tools to help them...

If you’re wondering whether there is any value in cross-training, you shouldn’t ask yourself that question twice. What would happen if an employee calls in sick, goes on holiday, or needs time off for whatever reason? Are you going to let that affect your dental...

Cross-infection in the dental office is a rare issue, but that doesn’t make it less important. Due to a breach of strict guidelines on infection control and cleanliness, there is an increased risk of spreading conditions such as hepatitis and HIV. The consumer-dentist relationship is...

The Department of Consumers Affairs (DCA) is a licensing entity that administers more than 3.9 million licenses and more than 280 types of licenses. From veterinarians to dentists, accountants to architects, DCA issues licenses, permits, registrations, and certificates, serving and protecting consumers in various ways: ...

In the case of a licensed dentist, registered dental assistant, or registered dental assistant in extended function becoming addicted to alcohol or drugs, they can enter a confidential program that offers a means of recovery from addiction without the loss of their license. The program...